Apprenticing with Christ

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I have a YouTube channel "Apprenticing With Christ" which contains videos and audio lessons (with slides) about the Bible. The links below connect to specific lessons on the channel and also to handouts that can be downloaded, while the link to the right connects to the channel itself.

Concerning the Beginning and Sustaining of Faith

Sermon: We Believe the Unbelievable Because God Did the Impossible

Lesson Series - Walking with John As He Follows Jesus:

Lesson 1 John Makes Claims About Jesus John 1:1-18

Concerning the Living a Life of Faith

A series on the Sermon on the Mount:

Lesson 1 Shows how Matthew chapters 5, 6 and 7 all relate to a transformation that takes place via the Beatitudes in chapter 5.

Lesson 2 The first four Beatitudes, Poor in Spirit, Mourning, Meek, Hungering and Thirsting for Righteousness, are our pathway toward being transformed by God, and the key to fulfilling the rest of the sermon in our lives (Matthew 5:3-6). The remaining beatitudes show how a transformed person relates to other people. Merciful and Pure in Heart are covered in this lesson (Matthew 5:7-8).

Lesson 3 Continuation of coming down God's Mountain: Peacemakers, Persecuted for Righteousness Sake (Matthew 5:9-12).

Lesson 4 Being Salt and Light. Having a Righteousness that Exceeds that of the Pharisees(Matthew 5:13-20)

Lesson 5 Murder vs Anger (Matthew 5:21-26)

Anger Handout A pdf file handout on handling anger for lessons 5 and 6.

Lesson 6 Finishes covering the anger handout. Covers Adultery/Lust (Matthew 5:27-28) and Taking Sin Seriously (Matthew 5:29-30)

Lesson 7 Considers Divorce vs.Faithfulness, and an anatomy of a divorce. (Matthew 5:31-32)